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Optimise healthcare budgeting and drive cost savings.

LOGEX Budgeting seamlessly integrates cost, income, and capacity management, enabling you to drive cost savings and optimise operations efficiently.

Understanding the LOGEX Budgeting Process

  • Your healthcare portfolio
  • Personnel planning​
  • Financial budget​

Your healthcare portfolio

A good strategy starts with the care that you want to deliver. LOGEX helps you quantify the impact of portfolio decisions and business cases. Your full-year LOGEX Costing model will serve as a starting point for next year’s budget.

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Personnel planning​

Plan your FTE, followed by precise, built-in automatic salary cost calculations of NHS CLA that drive your budget. Salary costs comprise 60% of a trust’s total cost; we understand the importance of getting this right. 

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Financial budget​ 

The final step combines costs and income to analyse if your plans are feasible. Your final budget can then be easily exported for your (1) Annual Financial Planning return, (2) internal reporting, and (3) input for your LOGEX SLR costing model to compare the budget against your actual cost.

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Discover the benefits

One source of truth​

  • Seamlessly link volumes, resources, and finances in one budget and leverage the existing information in your LOGEX Costing system. ​
  • All data in 1 tool: No more reconciliation of standalone spreadsheets and complex budgeting systems  ​​
  • Increased engagement of managers and physicians, section-based access allows users to see what is relevant.​
  • Audit log: Get insight and bring transparency on changes in the budget.​
  • Easy to maintain and durable.

Budget-based Performance Improvement​

  • Drive performance improvement programs* based on budgeting​
  • Analyse business cases with clear scenario management
  • Determine how portfolio choices impact operations, and spot areas for improvement. 

Improved Accuracy of Budgeting​

  • Anticipate and respond effectively to expected/potential changes in the type of patients and the way to treat them ​
  • Better allocation of available resources using Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB), to lower the workload of staff or decrease waiting times

Building trust, mandate from authority

The annual Financial Planning Return (FPR) is a financial plan (budget) that Trusts must submit to the NHS. It consists of two submissions, a first draft (e/o March) and a final plan in May.​

Is it possible to provide the Annual Return with LOGEX Budgeting? Yes!

The Cloud and internet-first approach that NHS and healthcare organisations provide is an enabler to create a solid foundation for NHS IT services that support the NHS’s long-term plan to be successfully implemented and deliver the NHS ambitions.​

What is the NHS view and strategy on SAAS Solutions?

Product fact sheet​


Is it possible to provide the Annual Return with LOGEX Budgeting?

Yes, and it will save a lot of time!

Populating the annual NHS Financial Planning Return (FPR) can be daunting, with multiple departments’ budgets to reconcile. LOGEX Budgeting makes this process faster and more accurate.

Benefits of LOGEX Budgeting:
  • Convenient Exports: Easy monthly exports for FPR, ICS, and internal reporting.
  • Time-Saving: Eliminate repetitive reconciliation.
  • Accuracy: Real-time updates and integration with LOGEX SLR Costing models.
it will improve your existing Budgeting process by:
  • Collaborative Budgeting: Real-time, section-based access for department leads.
  • Integrated Data: Unified financial overview from day one.
  • Automated Calculations: Streamlined salary calculations for NHS contracts.
  • One Source of Truth: Consistent and reliable budgeting data.

Adopt LOGEX Budgeting to make your FPR process efficient, accurate, and stress-free. Simplify your budgeting today and experience a unified, collaborative approach.

What is the NHS view and strategy on SAAS Solutions?

From the NHS website: NHS Cloud policies and guidance – NHS England Digital

The Cloud and internet first approach that NHS and healthcare organisations provide is an enabler to create a solid foundation to NHS IT services that support the NHS Long term plan to be successfully implemented upon and delivering the NHS ambitions of:

  • doing things differently:
  • preventing illness and tackling health inequalities:
  • backing our workforce:.
  • making better use of data and digital technology:
  • getting the most out of taxpayers’ investment in the NHS
The Cloud and internet first 

The cloud and internet first approach means that public cloud and internet connectivity will be the default delivery model for NHS and healthcare organisations providing services for the NHS. When introducing new products or updating existing ones, NHS and healthcare organisations will need to consider the use of public cloud services first, before any other options.

While public cloud and internet services will be the appropriate choice in most cases, NHS and healthcare organisations should be enabled to evaluate alternatives in exceptional circumstances.

From the NHS website: Cloud hosted software adoption guidance (SaaS) – NHS England Digital

NHS and healthcare services can finally abandon time-consuming tasks such as the setup and maintenance of servers, updating applications or operating systems, as well as the deactivation and disposal of hardware when it is out of date. Additionally, SaaS functionality complements the infrastructure services, ranging from billing, monitoring, log access, security services, backup, recovery and more.

Thanks to its easy web delivery model, with SaaS, providers manage all of the potential technical issues such as data, middleware, servers, and storage, while businesses can simply streamline their maintenance and support.    

For an enterprise the key benefits of this are obvious: 

  • fast time-to-market with a low TCO
  • scalability and flexibility 
  • focus on business and innovation growth 

By choosing cloud SaaS you can be sure that your technology is up-to-date and can scale up to meet your business requirements. This will allow you to allocate the budget and resources in a smart way and focus on the innovation of your applications and services. 

Health and social care bodies MUST adopt software as a service applications first before using self-hosted software.

What are the upsides of SAAS? (compared to on-premise)

It is three-folded, A SaaS platform allows us to scale our products without (linearly) increasing supporting resources, and it enables us to (1) ensure all clients benefit from having access to the latest features and (2) being provisioned with important maintenance and security updates without delay.

Next to that, our technology is built with minimal dependence on our cloud providers, thereby (3) eliminating any potential vendor lock-in risk. This approach enables us to quickly migrate our products from one cloud provider to another, to (4) ensure continuity of our business if it were ever at risk

Is SAAS secure?

As a data processor company, processing data is at the core of what we do and data security forms the foundation of our products. That’s why we have acquired all the necessary security protocols, certificates and accreditation to continue building on that trust with our clients.

An extensive overview can be found here;

We have the following certificates in place ensuring data safety to the best of our abilities.

ISO 27001
  • Best-known, globally recognized security certification
  • Demonstrates our company’s ability to effectively manage information security risks related to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. Our ISO 27001 certification is especially scoped towards our activities that include the processing of client data.
NEN 7510
  • Highly similar to ISO 27001, specifically required for the Dutch healthcare industry
  • This certification is specifically tailored to the processing of patient data
ISAE 3402 type II
  • Assures the security and reliability of the LOGEX Financial Control Platform
  • An ISAE 3402 type II audit report is annually requested by the financial auditors of LOGEX’s hospital clients to gain confidence in LOGEX’s Financial Analytics products and services
Cyber Essentials (UK)
  • The security standard in the UK
  • Demonstrates our company’s ability to adhere to industry security best practices
  • Note that LOGEX is Cyber Essentials Plus certified, which includes a thorough technical assessment on organizational assets and processes

Information Commissioner’s Office registration (UK)

NHS Data Security & Protection Toolkit (UK)

What do our users say?​

The impact created with LOGEX Budgeting

  • Eliminated unmanageable Excel files and centralised data in one clear tool ​​
  • Enabled guided participation of 100+ users for improved accuracy and efficiency​​
  • Integrated Costing information for streamlined budgeting and capacity assessment​​

Read the full story

Interested to learn more? Sign up for our Budgeting knowledge session.


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Claude Debussylaan 88
1082 MD Amsterdam