How LOGEX helps Gelderse Vallei Hospital translate JZOJP initiatives into impact on production budget
About the client
Gelderse Vallei Hospital (ZGV) has been working with LOGEX for several years to increase its grip on the P&C cycle. The hospital is also actively working on Correct Care in the Right Place (JZOJP). The insights from LOGEX reflection sessions were used to analyse the practice together with the medical specialists and to formulate efficiency initiatives.
The challenge
The hospital faced the challenge of accommodating the increasing demand for care in the hospital in its production budget – within the framework of the health insurers and the national master plan agreement.
The ZGV formulated 15 initiatives to deliver more efficient care. Each topic was carefully identified based on an analysis of care processes and practise variation.
Calculating the effect on the patient’s entire care process is complex. LOGEX has supported ZGV in this process.
The solution
LOGEX helped ZGV to quantify the effects of each initiative so that the hospital could draw up a well-substantiated production plan and hold constructive talks with professional groups and health insurers.
The expected turnover reduction of the initiatives was such that it was possible to align the production budget with the agreements with the health insurers.
“The help of LOGEX was enormously valuable to make our JZOJP initiatives more specific, enabling a translation into the financial budget. This also helped the consultation with the relevant departments.”
Remco Siemes, Production Controller, Hospital Gelderse Vallei
Remco Siemes, Production Controller, Hospital Gelderse Vallei
The impact
LOGEX calculated 15 initiatives, in which a specific objective was set for each topic
LOGEX simulated the effects of each initiative using data analysis to determine the impact on the number of healthcare products and care activities
LOGEX then provided clear reporting of all calculation steps, so that each topic could be discussed by the hospital with the departments
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