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How LOGEX helps German hospitals to simplify the costing-data submission process

In Germany, hospital financing is based on a lump sum payment system. To determine the lump sum per inpatient hospital treatment, around 300 hospitals as sampled auditing system submit their cost data every year to the Institute for the Hospital Remuneration System (InEK), which is a governmental institution. In addition to voluntary participation in data delivery, 30 hospitals are also regularly obliged to participate in the calculation in a lottery procedure. For most selected hospitals, this means a high effort in calculating all incurred costs at the patient level. Most of the participating hospitals have virtually no experience or expertise to do this according to a uniform methodology that has been outlined by InEK and end up spending enormous amounts of resources on the process or with low-quality data applications that are very often rejected by InEK.

LOGEX has developed a dedicated service to help hospitals with their InEK costing calculation. 

The official procedure is divided into different intervals. The phase of costing implementation is the most demanding one for hospitals. This phase takes place every year between February and May. Our C-KTR solution is specifically designed for the InEK procedure. It automates numerous actions that are required for a successful application. Besides the technical support provided by the C-KTR solution, our customers can also rely on the expert support of our experienced consultants. The rejection rate by the InEK of the hospitals we support is in the per mille range, while a rate of up to 15% is normal. This clearly shows our position and expertise as the market leader in cost unit accounting.

  • Simplest implementation through optimised workflow 
  • Clarifying the data structure
  • Automated reclassification and ILV cost allocations 
  • Saving time and eliminating calculation and interpretation errors
  • Standardised methods for (delimited) service and direct and indirect cost allocations (ILV, apportionments) 
  • Expert consultants to help take away any complexities and data insecurities
  • Support in the InEK error procedure by experts 
  • Hassle-free InEK application, getting it right the first time
  • Undisputed remuneration by the InEK 
  • Impact on the quality and appropriateness of service financing in the German hospital system 
  • Creation of data transparency as a control instrument in hospital management 
  • Internal cost transparency and benchmarking capability at the case, DRG group, department and hospital level are achieved 
  • Identification of economic weaknesses and recognition of strategic fields of action

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