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How we turned a static report into an interactive dashboard within a week

The heart failure program is one of the Collaboration General Hospitals’ (SAZ) value-based healthcare programs. In these programs, 29 hospitals participate in reflection sessions to share lessons learned and best practices. By using existing data, both clinical and financial (DBC), we facilitate a data-driven discussion and create actionable insights without adding any registration burden. Our analytics monitor and compare processes and outcomes to identify best practices and learnings to improve patient care.

The previous heart failure reports were informative but too static for intuitive and deeper data exploration. This realisation motivated us to improve the reports we use in the reflection sessions of the program. 

Because of our experience building dashboards, using a scalable dashboard, coding framework and clearly defined indicators, we were able to develop an advanced yet intuitive dashboard within one week. This new dashboard has useful interactivity features that allow a deep dive into the data. Various filter possibilities make data exploration and benchmarking intuitive. In this way, the Codman dashboard helps healthcare providers access clinical and financial insights efficiently to support them in making data-driven decisions.  

The clear and open communication with our users enabled our dedicated team to create a customised dashboard for the SAZ heart failure program in record time. The users can now access up-to-date and automatically generated relevant insights that help medical professionals to improve patient care.  

Haluaisitko sinä olla kehittämässä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoa tietoon perustuen? 

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