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How can Real-World Data contribute to improving the quality of healthcare?

Who are you?

Name: Olivier Rijssenbeek

Job title: Service Manager in the Real-World Data Team

How many years at LOGEX: 7,5 years

What does LOGEX do?

Mission of LOGEX: Well, LOGEX has a very clear mission: Turning data into better healthcare. In my team, we help to, we help to generate, use and share diagnostic, treatment and outcome insights. These insights are the result of analysis of aggregated European or national real-world data. With these insights, we support governmental organisations, registry owners, research institutions, life science companies and healthcare providers to close knowledge gaps and to optimise treatment pathways for patients.

For healthcare professionals we measure, analyse, and benchmark the quality of care they provide. We do this by collecting, structuring, and analysing real-world data via clinical registries and other data sources.

For life science companies, we use RWD to create insights into the usage and effectiveness of medication in real life, which is often a valuable next step after a new drug is introduced.

With over 30 clinical registries, each containing hundreds of variables, and participation from more than 200 healthcare providers, we can drive data-driven improvement across the full spectrum of care, both in width and in depth.

To further increase the value of our insights, we couple additional data sources to the clinical registries – think of data of claims, prescription and pathology. This approach increases our analytical possibilities, while minimising the burden of data collection, ensuring that healthcare providers can focus on what matters most: delivering high-quality care.

What does that look like?

Since our real-world data reflects the actual patient population that is treated in a certain way, we can accurately assess how care is provided on a national level, but also internationally across Europe. This unlocks a whole array of relevant insights for both healthcare providers and pharma.

For instance, together with the SAZ hospitals, we created  ‘Value-driven Care Program’, with reflection sessions driven by real-world data. During these sessions, teams of doctors, nurses, and quality managers share insights, discuss results, and learn from best practices. This collaborative approach increases teamwork among hospitals, resulting in measurable improvements and high participant satisfaction. Real-world data plays a crucial role in these sessions, helping to identify differences within the group and pinpoint areas for improvement.

This is one of the examples of how the RWD team contributes to higher quality of care.

How is it for you to work in this field?

Like many, I find great fulfillment in doing work that has a real and positive impact. With my background as a medical doctor, I’m especially happy that my medical knowledge continues to play a valuable role in my day-to-day work. Beyond that, I genuinely appreciate the incredible team I work with. They’re not only smart, fun, and often inspiring, but some have also become close friends. Being part of such a strong and supportive group is heartwarming and makes my job all the more rewarding.

Delivering projects can sometimes be challenging – whether due to complex analyses or navigating difficult stakeholder dynamics. However, these are exactly the types of challenges that keep me engaged and motivated in my work.

All in all, I’m incredibly proud to be part of my team and LOGEX as a whole.


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Claude Debussylaan 88
1082 MD Amsterdam